Friday, 14 February 2014

Latest Strange Purchases

I've definitely got some weird addiction to the strange and wonderful varieties! For me it's all about growing varieties that you just can't buy in the supermarkets and tasting tastes that you wouldn't otherwise taste. It helps if the crop has an unusual look it it as well.

And so... Clockwise from top:

Summer Basil Surprise. A red variety that you can grow on the windowsill and is ready in just 21 days apparently. You can sow it indoors from March.

Tomato F1 Sweet 'n' Neat Yellow. Ideal for patios and those with not much space to spare. Loads of sweet yellow toms. A little more expensive at £2 for 7 seeds, hopefully they will all take!

Salad Onion Apache. The wife and I love a good spring onion but we've never tried a red variety. Loads of seeds, ready in up to 3 months.

Heirloom Red Popping Corn "Strawberry". A homegrown popcorn treat. Each plant is only supposed to produce 3 or 4 ears of corn, which is why this variety is not commercially popular but what it lacks in productivity it makes up for with aesthectics, brilliant red kernals on a short ear that give it the name 'strawberry'. I'm really hoping this will be successful as I'm looking forward to sticking on a movie with the family and popping my own corn!

Firetongue Climbing Bean. A really unique looking bean with pale green pods heavily splashed with red streaks hiding large white beans with purple speckles. I bought a cane planter for around £6 delivered on ebay. I'm not sure how I'm going use them when they're ready to harvest but they looked so interesting that I just had to give them a go!

Amethyst Dwarf French Bean. I bought a small dwarf bean (green) plant last year at B&Q for a couple of quid, just for the hell of it. I didn't think much about it at first but it required very little care and well into the season the beans just kept coming and coming! I can't wait to see these deep purple beans come in!

I've just ordered another batch of seeds... Plus I've got a load from last year that I've yet to try but more about those next time.

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